Charlotte Convention Center, Charlotte, NC
Friday, April 5 - Sunday, April 7, 2024

PERC Update

Friday, April 5 | 2:30 PM - 3:00 PM


Tucker Perkins, President and CEO, Propane Education & Research Council

The PROPANE Energy for Everyone™ brand positions propane as a modern, innovative fuel that is part of the larger clean energy solution. Decision makers are acknowledging the positive role that propane can play in meeting America’s needs for affordable energy while protecting our environment. In the Infrastructure and Jobs Act, for example, Congress identified propane as an emerging alternative fuel and made propane projects eligible for billions of dollars. But how can we make sure propane gets its due? At this year’s PERC Update, Tucker Perkins will talk about how to tell the world how propane is providing the energy that benefits users and the environment for a fraction of the cost of the alternatives. It is time for our industry to join forces to meet this challenge and tell the story that needs to be told.